About me

What's up!

Hey, I'm Richard! I'm a UX designer and human being interested in tech that is uplifting and socially responsible. I’m also self-taught in front-end web development, and I love building my designs in code. (Like this website!)

As a kid, I was drawn to writing. I particularly loved stories that gave me hope and strength, and I dreamt of writing an epic novel that moved hearts. (That hasn’t panned out…yet.)

Then in college, I joined a student conference as a copywriter so that I could apply my writing skills. But one day, they asked me to build their website, which was a bit of a stretch—I had exactly zero prior design experience!

Despite this, I quickly learned that my web design goals weren’t so different from my old writing dreams. Both were about understanding the people on the other side of the screen (or page) and inspiring them to make positive change. This understanding guided me through the work, which I found so rewarding that I created my own major in Digital Design and User Experience.

Since then, I’ve worked on a ton of self-initiated projects in both design and code, in addition to freelancing and volunteering as a web designer and developer. Today, I'm seeking a full-time junior UX/product designer role where I can help talented teams solve real human needs.

I'm standing by the water with an orange mask on.